We’re Moving! Construction is coming along, walls have been put up, and paint has been layered on. The space will be twice the size of what we have now and will have private areas for patient care. Painting done. Moving along. A photo posted by ProPTandTraining (@proptandtraining) on Aug 24, 2016 at 9:01am PDT …
Cupping makes an Olympic debut, but we’ve been doing it for years.
Cupping makes an Olympic debut Paul Kochoa, PT, DPT, OCS, CGFI The New York Times and other media outlets have picked up on the purple marks on Olympic athletes’ bodies and it seems that cupping is the new craze. Just like Kinesiotaping and Instrument Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilization in the past Olympics, this year, …
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A great exercise for shoulder stability
A great exercise for shoulder stability Paul Kochoa, PT, DPT, OCS, CGFI Shoulders generally have good range of motion, but tend to be a little unstable when lifting weights overhead. Here’s an exercise that will work on your shoulder and scapular stability and reveal just how stable your shoulder is in overhead positions. I’ve …
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Do you have full shoulder range of motion?
Do you have full shoulder range of motion? Paul Kochoa, PT, DPT, OCS, CGFI The other day, I had a young athlete come in complaining of shoulder pain. She had pain with overhead movements at her end range of motion. Her sport requires that she have pretty strong and flexible shoulders that can stand …
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GETTING TO THE POINT SEMINAR: PRACTICAL AND INNOVATIVE TREATMENTS FOR MUSCLE PAIN REGISTRATION Pre-registration is required by June 1. Visit the Professional Physical Therapy and Training office, email info@professionalptandtraining.com or call 973-270-7417 to register.
If you have pain, please watch this video
If you have pain, please watch this video Image courtesy of jscreationzs / FreeDigitalPhotos.net
Make an Impact: Match in March
Make An Impact: We Will “Match in March” Your Donation to the Madison Area YMCA’s 2016 Annual Campaign Professional Physical Therapy & Training, LLC, will “Match in March” your donation made through its office to the 2017 Madison Area YMCA Annual Campaign. The earlier in March you donate, the bigger the impact! If you donate during March 1-15, Professional Physical Therapy …
The best exercise to improve balance
The best exercise to improve balance Paul Kochoa, PT, DPT, OCS, CGFI The New York Times ran an article regarding the “best exercise to improve your balance” last week. They cited studies comparing the effectiveness of Tai Chi and ballroom dancing (They found that both groups improved their balance, but the Tai Chi group had …
Running injuries and landing force
Running injuries and landing force MICHELLE MILLNER, PT, DPT, OCS On Feb 10, 2016 the NYTimes published an article written by Gretchen Reynolds called Why We Get Running Injuries (And How To Prevent Them). The article reported on a recent study published by Harvard University, which followed over 200 experienced female runners for a period …
A Pillow Belongs Too: Vacation Self Help Kit Part 4
A Pillow Belongs Too: Vacation Self Help Kit Part 4 MICHELLE MILLNER, PT, DPT, OCS Have you ever had a sore neck from sleeping at a hotel or at someone else’s house? If we calculate that the average person sleeps for 7-8 hours a night, then approximately 30% of our time is spent in …
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