Save your back and your heart when the snow comes

When the snow hits the ground, you have to go out and shovel it.  But be careful, no other chore carries with it more risk.  People who are generally sedentary are at a higher risk of heart attack and back injury when shovelling snow than any other activity. Let’s try and shave down some of …

Small ways to stay fit and healthy during the holidays

Ah, the music, the lights, the snowmen, the lawn Santas… It must be that time of year again, the holidays are approaching.  This is a season to get together with family and friends to have fun and spread the joy.  Whether your holiday involves Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, or the alternative Festivus, you can bet that …

When you go shopping, don’t buy a case of the low back blues

‘Tis the season… Or so they say, ‘tis the shopping season.  When you’re hitting the malls this year, don’t let your packages weigh you down and hurt your back.  Lifting a heavy gift or package can be that straw that breaks the camel’s back, so to speak.  Don’t let this holiday season be a painful …