How to pick the right physiotherapist Paul Kochoa, PT, DPT, OCS, CGFI First, with the Direct Access law, you can go see a physiotherapist without having to see a physician. And you have your choice of who to see, you don’t have to see the physiotherapist that the doctor told you to see. You’re …
Physical Therapy Specializations
Physical Therapy Specializations Paul Kochoa, PT, DPT, OCS, CGFI You wouldn’t go to an OB/GYN for treatment of your glaucoma. Medical doctors go through specialization. An orthopedic surgeon is better equipped to treat an arthritic knee than an internal medicine specialist. The same is for physiotherapists, you shouldn’t go to a physiotherapist that specializes …
Sitting and “Gasso-Brako”
Sitting and “Gasso-Brako” Written by: Paul Kochoa, PT, DPT, OCS, CKTP, CGFI We all do it, some more than others. We all sit. Sitting can be bad for you health, it can increase your risk of mortality by 40%. It can cause lower back pain. It can make your hips tight. It can even …
The changing face of Physical Therapy
The changing face of physical therapy Written by: Paul Kochoa, PT, DPT, OCS, CKTP, CGFI Most people think that physical therapy is just for the injured or the disabled. This is true, but physiotherapists do more than you think. Physiotherapists are the medical specialists that doctors usually refer their patients to for rehabilitation of an …