The most effective and functional weight-lifting exercise

The most effective and functional weight-lifting exercise Paul Kochoa, PT, DPT, OCS, CGFI   If you wanted the most bang-for-your-buck exercise, one that worked multiple large muscle groups and could help you lose weight and move better, what would it be?  It would have to be a large movement to incorporate multiple muscles.  It would …

Cookie cutter template PT is not for everyone

Cookie cutter template PT is not for everyone Paul Kochoa, PT, DPT, OCS, CGFI   Consider, if you will, what physiotherapists do. We are trained to evaluate and treat a variety of conditions and disorders.  And then consider the human body. How many different types of people and bodies are out there. Your body is …

The lacrosse ball is my new friend

The lacrosse ball is my new friend Paul Kochoa, PT, DPT, OCS, CGFI     Muscular soreness is common after an intense exercise routine, but it can also happen after a relatively easy exercise, especially if the muscles are particularly weak.  Along with the soreness comes immobility and tightness.  I’ve written about mobility and stretching …