The truth behind running injuries Paul Kochoa, PT, DPT, OCS, CGFI The biggest mistake people make about running is that they are running to get in shape. But the truth is that you should get in shape to run. The repetitive and excessive impact (3-5x body weight) over 55,000 steps (in a marathon) can …
Leaves are Falling: Things to consider when raking them up.
Leaves are Falling: Things to consider when raking them up. MICHELLE MILLNER, PT, DPT, OCS It’s October and the fall colors are at their peak. It won’t be long before the leaves fall and clean up must begin. Raking leaves is hard work, but unfortunately it’s work most of us don’t spend time preparing our …
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We now offer running video analysis
We now offer running video analysis. Paul Kochoa, PT, DPT, OCS, CGFI Marathon runners take on average 50,000 steps in one race. Add in all the training miles and you can end with a recipe for some disaster. Little injuries and poor running form can add up, especially when running a race. Running is …
Power Versus Strength
Power Versus Strength Michelle Millner, PT, DPT, OCS Muscle Power and Muscle Strength are not the same thing. Muscle power is defined as the product of dynamic muscular force and muscle contraction velocity. To measure power, you multiply the speed at which the muscle contracts with the force it exerts. Muscle strength is defined …
Does exercise change your brain?
Does exercise change your brain? Paul Kochoa, PT, DPT, OCS, CGFI The New York Times had a recent article about exercise in the elderly. They outlined a study on a 95-year-old senior Olympic athlete who had not started serious athletic training till she was 77. Her name was Olga Kotelko, and she had travelled …
Sleeping properly to repair your body
Sleeping properly to repair your body Paul Kochoa, PT, DPT, OCS, CGFI You spend ⅓ of your life sleeping. Sleep is an integral part of your life, doing it properly is so important. When you’re awake, your brain works all the time, learning new things and building neural connections. When you sleep, it can …
What’s your fitness age?
What’s your fitness age? Paul Kochoa, PT, DPT, OCS, CGFI The New York Times recently had an article about older athletes and their strikingly young fitness ages. What does that mean? Researchers in Norway studied thousands of adults and recorded several vital signs and other cardiovascular measures. They found that adults who exercised had …
Get a physiotherapy checkup
Get a physiotherapy checkup Paul Kochoa, PT, DPT, OCS, CGFI You go to your primary medical doctor for an annual checkup. You go to your dentist for a checkup twice a year. Why not go to a physiotherapist for a checkup? Physiotherapists are movement specialists. We hold doctoral degrees and licenses that allow us …
One minute explanation of the dangers of sitting
One minute explanation of the dangers of sitting Paul Kochoa, PT, DPT, OCS, CGFI Here’s a quick 1 minute video explaining why sitting is so bad for you.
A simple test to determine your chances of dying
A simple test to determine your chances of dying Paul Kochoa, PT, DPT, OCS, CGFI Want to find out your chances of dying in the near future? Try this test. The sitting-rising test. A group of researchers out of Brazil have published a study in the European Journal of Cardiovascular Prevention, investigating the mortality …
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