Calcaneal taping: Part 2 Written by: Paul Kochoa, PT, DPT, OCS, CKTP, CGFI In my previous post, I explained the role of the arches and how the calcaneus (the heel bone) plays a role in creating those arches. A physiotherapist can assess the structure of your foot and determine what the cause of your heel …
Calcaneal taping and foot pain
Calcaneal taping and foot pain Written by: Paul Kochoa, PT, DPT, OCS, CKTP, CGFI Tape and feet, watch any sporting event on television and I’m sure you’ll spot at least one athlete with tape around their ankles. Tape is a common tool used by physiotherapists and athletic trainers to stabilize a joint, prevent injury, or …
The Center of the Universe
The Center of the Universe Written By: Dr. Michelle Millner, PT, DPT When I was in physical therapy school, one of my professors had a mantra “The Pelvis is the Center of The Universe”. She was right. The hip, pelvis, and lumbar area are the foundation for human movement. When there is a muscle imbalance …
3 Misconceptions about low back pain
3 Misconceptions about Low Back Pain Written By: Dr. Michelle Millner, PT, DPT Low back pain is estimated to affect up 80% of the population at some point during the course of a year. It accounts for more lost work time that any other musculoskeletal condition. When something is this much of a problem there …
Running with Music
Running with Music The other day I came across an article about the psychological effect of working out with music, and it reminded me of another timely topic: the ideal cadence for runners. I think it can be especially important now that the weather may be getting warmer and new and experienced runners are taking …
Lower Crossed Syndrome
Lower Crossed Syndrome Written By: Dr. Paul Kochoa, PT, DPT, OCS, CGFI Sitting. We all do it. But sitting too long can cause problems. One of them is lower crossed syndrome. It’s analogous to the upper crossed syndrome that I mentioned in my previous post. Basically it’s an imbalance of tight and weak structures around …
What’s a Golf Fitness Screening?
What’s a Golf Fitness Screening? Written By: Paul Kochoa, PT, DPT, OCS, CGFI Once upon a time, golf was just about three things: basic instruction, equipment, and mental conditioning. After the mid 1990’s, things changed. The basic three things were expanded to include: shot making skills, course management, and physical conditioning. Physical conditioning was the …
Spinning 101
Spinning 101 Written By: Karen Tom, MPT, CSCS I took my first spinning class about 10 years ago (yes, I’m old). I remember it vividly: I was the only student in the class and the instructor played music that was just drums for 60 minutes. Although the music wasn’t my favorite, I was addicted. Spinning …
Upper Crossed Syndrome
Upper Crossed Syndrome Written By: Paul Kochoa, PT, DPT, OCS, CGFI Your mother always said, “Sit up straight.” The truth is that she was right. Our technologically advanced society today has relegated us to sitting most of the day, working in poor postures. What results after prolonged static positioning is the lengthening of certain muscles …
Stairs & Knee Problems
Stairs & Knee Problems Written By: Paul Kochoa, PT, DPT, OCS, CGFI Generally, with patients who have knee problems, I end up asking them about how their knees hold up with stairs. They usually complain of pain with stairs, especially going down stairs. Last year, in the October issue of the Journal of Orthopaedic and …