Dry Needling is NOT Acupuncture Michelle Millner, PT, DPT, OCS Dr. Kochoa recently wrote an article on trigger point dry needling, pointing out the benefits of using this technique. I’ve been using it for a few years to treat trigger points that cause pain and movement dysfunction. The most common question “How is this …
Treating trigger points and reducing pain
Treating trigger points and reducing pain I’ve written about trigger points before. They’re gnarly places in a muscle or soft tissue region of the body that totally elicits pain, localized or referred, when it gets pressed. As physiotherapists, we can treat trigger points and reduce or completely abolish the pain that they cause. We use instruments, …
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Trigger Points and Muscle Pain: A Physical Therapist’s Approach
Trigger Points and Muscle Pain: A Physical Therapist’s Approach Written by: YUCHIN CHANG, PT, DPT, OCS, CMTPT Have you ever had painful spots in your muscles? And they are just so tight and sore that you cannot rub them out? Even when you have been very disciplined with your stretching routines, you still cannot eliminate …
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