New word of the day: Mechanotransduction!

New word of the day: Mechanotransduction! Paul Kochoa, PT, DPT, OCS, CKTP, CGFI   It’s a mouthful, a word you don’t see everyday: mechanotransduction.  It’s basically when a cell in your body receives some type of mechanical stimulus and converts it to some electrical signal for other cellular processes, converting a mechanical stimulus into a …

When to return to sports after ACL surgery

When to return to sports after ACL surgery Written by:  Paul Kochoa, PT, DPT, OCS, CKTP, CGFI Many times I’ve been asked by a patient that’s had reconstructive surgery for their ACL: “When can I go back to playing ______?”  I tell them that returning to sports after an ACL surgery depends on many factors. …

Dive into Physical Therapy: The Benefits of Aquatic Therapy

Dive into Physical Therapy: The Benefits of Aquatic Therapy Written By: Dr. Michelle Millner PT, DPT H2O: the basic substance that every single living thing on this planet needs to survive. We need it to cleanse our bodies internally and externally.  We also use water for relaxation and healing.  In fact, human beings have been doing …