Exercise for office workers Written by: Paul Kochoa, PT, DPT, OCS, CKTP, CGFI Sitting is pretty much killing us. We sit too much. But for most of us, our occupations require us to sit and perform tasks at a desk or workstation. If you’ve been following this website, there are also other posts regarding …
Got neck pain? Check your shoulder.
Got neck pain? Check your shoulder. Written by: Paul Kochoa, PT, DPT, OCS, CKTP, CGFI I’ve gotten a bunch of patients recently that had issues with their neck. And most of them I’ve told them the same thing: Neck pain and upper trapezius tightness/spasms are linked to your lower trapezius strength. The trapezius (trap) muscle …
Summer Travel Part II: Tips for long plane and car rides
Summer Travel Part II: Tips for long plane and car rides WRITTEN BY: MICHELLE MILLNER, PT, DPT, OCS We love to sit. The problem is we aren’t designed to sit for very long periods of time. Our joints stiffen up, muscles get weaker, our lungs can’t expand as they should, and our blood flow is restricted. To …
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What’s the core?
What is the “Core”? Written by: Michelle Millner, PT, DPT, OCS Did you like to play with blocks when you were a kid? Do you remember how they needed to be balanced just right when you built a tower otherwise it would all come crashing down? Human vertebrae are kind of like those blocks. They …
Lower Crossed Syndrome
Lower Crossed Syndrome Written By: Dr. Paul Kochoa, PT, DPT, OCS, CGFI Sitting. We all do it. But sitting too long can cause problems. One of them is lower crossed syndrome. It’s analogous to the upper crossed syndrome that I mentioned in my previous post. Basically it’s an imbalance of tight and weak structures around …
Upper Crossed Syndrome
Upper Crossed Syndrome Written By: Paul Kochoa, PT, DPT, OCS, CGFI Your mother always said, “Sit up straight.” The truth is that she was right. Our technologically advanced society today has relegated us to sitting most of the day, working in poor postures. What results after prolonged static positioning is the lengthening of certain muscles …
The Body-Swing Relationship
The Body-Swing Relationship Written By: Paul Kochoa, PT, DPT, OCS, CGFI So you find yourself on the golf course, or at the driving range, hitting some golf balls. You observe that you keep swinging, hitting the ball solidly, but it doesn’t travel very far, or it keeps veering off to the right. It’s inconsistent. You …
How You Can Treat Your Own Low Back Pain
How You Can Treat Your Own Low Back Pain Written By: Paul Kochoa, PT, DPT, OCS, CGFI This is how I think the story goes: Once upon a time, there was a patient in New Zealand (updated 10/23/13) who had back pain, so he went to go see his physiotherapist. He was in pain and couldn’t …
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