The lacrosse ball is my new friend Paul Kochoa, PT, DPT, OCS, CGFI Muscular soreness is common after an intense exercise routine, but it can also happen after a relatively easy exercise, especially if the muscles are particularly weak. Along with the soreness comes immobility and tightness. I’ve written about mobility and stretching …
Is overweight the new normal?
Is overweight the new normal? Paul Kochoa, PT, DPT, OCS, CGFI There’s an epidemic that’s taking over our nation. Obesity. More and more people are overweight or obese. According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, two out of three people are overweight and one out of three are obese. In children the …
How to keep your posture while driving
How to keep your posture while driving Paul Kochoa, PT, DPT, OCS, CGFI I’ve got a couple patients that I see that have long commutes to work. They drive and then come in to see me complaining of increased neck or back pain. We always go over how to sit and improve your posture in …
Lose weight by lifting weight
Lose weight by lifting weight Paul Kochoa, PT, DPT, OCS, CGFI Have trouble losing weight? Do you lose weight and then have trouble keeping it off? Then I’ve got a perfect solution for you. Lose weight, and keep it off by LIFTING weight. Sounds ridiculous? The New York Times posted an article last week …
The little muscle in the back of your knee
The little muscle in the back of your knee Paul Kochoa, PT, DPT, OCS, CGFI Recently I had a patient come in complaining of pain right in the back of his knee. He said it started after doing heavy leg presses and locking his knees out. It only hurt when he completely straightened …
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The one exercise that can reactivate your golf game
The one exercise that can reactivate your golf game Paul Kochoa, PT, DPT, OCS, CGFI The glutes are the king and queen of the golf swing. One movement that I always have my patients perform is the “Bridge”. To do the bridge properly requires core stability, hip flexibility, and glute strength. All important parts …
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Balance strategy basics
Balance strategy basics Paul Kochoa, PT, DPT, OCS, CGFI As homo sapiens, we walk upright on two feet. We use complex sensory organs, nerves, and muscles to keep us balanced. It’s all about keeping our center of gravity over our base of support. We have three strategies to maintain our balance. They are …
Pain: it’s all in your head
Pain: it’s all in your head Paul Kochoa, PT, DPT, OCS, CGFI Pain… all of us know what it is. My patients usually come in to see me because of some kind of pain. But what if I said that all your pain is in your head? Pain is individualized, it’s influenced by …
How to shovel snow safely
How to shovel snow safely Paul Kochoa, PT, DPT, OCS, CGFI It’s a blizzard! Our area is under a couple feet of snow and now we have to dig out. If you use a snow shovel, watch out, be safe, and keep your back intact. Here’s how to save your back when you’re shoveling snow… …
Does compression clothing work?
Does compression clothing work? Paul Kochoa, PT, DPT, OCS, CGFI Occasionally, I’ll talk about compression socks with my patients. But these patients generally have poor circulation or swelling in their lower extremities and I suggest a way to augment their venous return with some type of compression stocking, also known as a T.E.D stocking. …