The most effective and functional weight-lifting exercise

The most effective and functional weight-lifting exercise Paul Kochoa, PT, DPT, OCS, CGFI   If you wanted the most bang-for-your-buck exercise, one that worked multiple large muscle groups and could help you lose weight and move better, what would it be?  It would have to be a large movement to incorporate multiple muscles.  It would …

Using a Voodoo Band to restore motion

Using a Voodoo Band to restore motion Paul Kochoa, PT, DPT, OCS, CKTP, CGFI   I’ve written about the Graston Technique before.  Recently, I’ve added The Voodoo Band, to my treatment arsenal.  Manual treatment is our forte at Professional Physical Therapy and Training.  Soft tissue mobilization is a technique that we employ frequently to restore …

How to fix that “Text Neck”

How to fix that “Text Neck” Paul Kochoa, PT, DPT, OCS, CKTP   It never fails, we used to have “Wii elbow” or “Blackberry thumb”, or more commonly, we hear about “Tennis elbow”.  Now we have “Text neck”.  But basically they all are repetitive stress disorders. Anytime that there is an increase in a repetitive, …