Geriatric weight lifting

Geriatric weight lifting Paul Kochoa, PT, DPT, OCS, CGFI   Lifting weights or pumping iron… by any name, does not conjure up an elderly individual.  Generally, when discussing weight lifting or weight training, people will associate this with a younger population, not with someone over 65 years old, much less anyone over 85. However, to counteract …

The lacrosse ball is my new friend

The lacrosse ball is my new friend Paul Kochoa, PT, DPT, OCS, CGFI     Muscular soreness is common after an intense exercise routine, but it can also happen after a relatively easy exercise, especially if the muscles are particularly weak.  Along with the soreness comes immobility and tightness.  I’ve written about mobility and stretching …

Eccentric muscle rehabilitation for athletes

Eccentric muscle rehabilitation for athletes Written by:  Paul Kochoa, PT, DPT, CKTP, CGFI   Stability and mobility are key components to athletic movement.  Joints need to move through the proper range of motion, but still be able to accept and control the amount of force that is placed on them.  Look at a football running …

Developing strength involves more than just muscles

Developing strength involves more than just muscles Written by: Paul Kochoa, PT, DPT, OCS, CKTP, CGFI Muscular development is not just about the muscles, it’s also about movement development.  Barring any major physical or neurological problems, we grow up moving the same way.  We learn early how to roll, how to stand up from a …

Got neck pain? Check your shoulder.

Got neck pain? Check your shoulder. Written by:  Paul Kochoa, PT, DPT, OCS, CKTP, CGFI I’ve gotten a bunch of patients recently that had issues with their neck.  And most of them I’ve told them the same thing:  Neck pain and upper trapezius tightness/spasms are linked to your lower trapezius strength. The trapezius (trap) muscle …

Dry Needling May Help Your Muscle Pain Caused by Trigger Points

Dry Needling May Help Your Muscle Pain Caused by Trigger Points Written by:   Yuchin Chang, PT, DPT, OCS, CMTPT   What is a Trigger Point? A Trigger Point is a hyper-irritable spot in a taut band of a muscle, which often can cause pain spontaneously. Trigger points can be the result of trauma, poor posture, …