Avoid Thought Viruses Paul Kochoa, PT, DPT, OCS, CGFI I recently came across a fellow physiotherapist blog post about “thought viruses”. A thought virus is a statement, idea, or belief that is most commonly given to you from someone in a position of authority, and can affect your ability to process information on any …
Understanding pain in 5 minutes
Understanding pain in 5 minutes Paul Kochoa, PT, DPT, OCS, CGFI Here’s a quick video on how to understand pain. I’ve written about it before, but this video is so informative, I encourage you to watch it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4b8oB757DKc#action=share
Does Kinesiology Tape Work?
Does Kinesiology Tape Work? Paul Kochoa, PT, DPT, OCS, CGFI Recently, the New York Times answered a question in their Well column: Does kinesiology tape really work? Does it alleviate pain and injury while you exercise? And if so how does it work? The general answer from the article is: No, “today’s science does …
The most effective and functional weight-lifting exercise
The most effective and functional weight-lifting exercise Paul Kochoa, PT, DPT, OCS, CGFI If you wanted the most bang-for-your-buck exercise, one that worked multiple large muscle groups and could help you lose weight and move better, what would it be? It would have to be a large movement to incorporate multiple muscles. It would …
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Do the T-Spine Smash
Do the T-Spine Smash Paul Kochoa, PT, DPT, OCS, CGFI If you’re a desk jockey, then chances are that this self mobilization technique is for you. This is a standard tool in my treatment arsenal when addressing shoulder range of motion or postural issues, especially for people who spend most of their day …
Is it bad to heel strike when running?
Is it bad to heel strike when running? Paul Kochoa, PT, DPT, OCS, CGFI Just a quick note, the other day I had a patient come in and we were discussing her running technique. She had some knee problems and wanted to get back to running with the least amount of knee stress. We …
Cookie cutter template PT is not for everyone
Cookie cutter template PT is not for everyone Paul Kochoa, PT, DPT, OCS, CGFI Consider, if you will, what physiotherapists do. We are trained to evaluate and treat a variety of conditions and disorders. And then consider the human body. How many different types of people and bodies are out there. Your body is …
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The lacrosse ball is my new friend
The lacrosse ball is my new friend Paul Kochoa, PT, DPT, OCS, CGFI Muscular soreness is common after an intense exercise routine, but it can also happen after a relatively easy exercise, especially if the muscles are particularly weak. Along with the soreness comes immobility and tightness. I’ve written about mobility and stretching …
Is overweight the new normal?
Is overweight the new normal? Paul Kochoa, PT, DPT, OCS, CGFI There’s an epidemic that’s taking over our nation. Obesity. More and more people are overweight or obese. According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, two out of three people are overweight and one out of three are obese. In children the …
How to keep your posture while driving
How to keep your posture while driving Paul Kochoa, PT, DPT, OCS, CGFI I’ve got a couple patients that I see that have long commutes to work. They drive and then come in to see me complaining of increased neck or back pain. We always go over how to sit and improve your posture in …